Thursday, February 10, 2011


If you never questioned your beliefs, - you are just a puppet dancing to somebody's strings.

Indeed, i've got many questions on my mind lately.
Why am i serving God, Why is history repeating itself again and again.
Is God's power and spirit beating within me??
Last night, i totally hated myself. hated the sin within me. hated my impulsiveness.
I dont know what i needed. But im for sure, I need the father's voice and providence in my life.
sometimes, i no longer know how to do it anymore.
When doubts are piling up, questions left hanging in the are, and shit happens, my faith goes downhill. Where is God?
And to the point, i blame God for it.
Time to go back on track, but i need the father's voice. I need the father's presence.
God, are you there? i dont know how to do it anymore.
How do i hope, how do i trust...

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