Friday, February 4, 2011

I could simply hate you for the so so so much things that you did, but you needed love... you need God to fill your inmost being.. You don't need money to satisfy you..... you dont need wealth.. you know you cant buy happiness with money.... You dont need riches...

because its not the wealthy, rich, beautiful, sexy, charming, smart, clever that can enter the kingdom of heaven.
and said in revelations 21 : 27

27 Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.

I was thinking.... if my name were to be written 'Ritchell Ho' in the Lamb's book of life. How great honour is that..... But i thought to myself, how possible would my name be written in it? base of the life im living ? the sins that i have been sinning..... hidden sins.... how would GOD possibly write my name? It serves a really great and big reminder... to live a life to honour God. My speech, thoughts, motives, actions.... to be pleasing to God...
And hurry.... bring those who haven't repented to come before God and repent. Come before the lord to recieve him...

Dear lord, i truly needed a portion , just a portion of your love. To love this difficult person in my life, attached to me. God... that i am nothing if i don't have love. Just a portion of your indescribable love, to love him.

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