Tuesday, February 15, 2011


How do you see maturity?
well, some say age, but i guess its the way you react to things, the way you think, the way you act.
Some people may be idk, 16/17 but still ask their mothers to buy clothes for them, decide things for them. Its time to grow up? heh. its your, OUR life after all.

and, amongst my peers, i cant seem to find another me.
Like, yea, the things they say/do. Sometimes just show that they're being insensitive abt their words to the people around them. the way the treat people. sometimes, i just hate it. well, yes, i really am proud to grow and being nurtured and matured in the lord. But yeah, sometimes, i might find some things that are hard to understand.
and, i really want and hope this year, to be a year where i deepen my relationship with God, strengthen myself in the word.

Not by my intellect, but by your wisdom.
Not by my strength, but by your power.
Not by my inclinations, but by your spirit.
Not by my desires, but by your will.

I really pray, desire, to experience more of you, God, in my life. truly from the depth. I ask of you.

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